"I love Camp Erin because it helped remind me who I am and how brave and strong I am."
Camper, Age 10
what we do
Camp Erin® Boston is a FREE bereavement camp for youth who are grieving the death of a significant person in their lives. Traditionally a weekend long program, we are currently offering a family camp program for children and teens and their families that combines grief education and emotional support with fun, traditional camp activities. Led by bereavement professionals and caring volunteers, campers are provided a safe environment to explore their grief, learn essential coping skills, and make friends with peers who are also grieving.
Camp Erin Boston 2025:
Saturday, August 23 9:30am-7pm in Middleboro, MA
See our APPLY PAGE for details and applications
Click on the video and/or link to our WGBH radio feature below to get a glimpse of campers and volunteers in action and to learn more about the Camp Erin® Boston experience.
WGBH Radio Features:
Bereavement Camp Helps Children Cope with the Loss of a Loved One (December 2023)
CLICK HERE to listen or read the story.
At Camp Erin, Grieving Kids Don't Move On. They Move Through (August 2023)
CLICK HERE to listen or read the story.
Honoring Cindy Mayher

Photo credit: Jessamyn Martin
Dear Camp Erin Boston Community,
It is with great sadness that we share with you the news of the passing of Cindy Mayher on June 20, 2023.
Cindy was the guiding light that made Camp Erin Boston a reality. As the CEO of Parmenter VNA and Community Care and then The Parmenter Foundation, Cindy was instrumental in establishing Camp Erin Boston as a partner with The Moyer Foundation (now Eluna) and for making our first camps happen.
Cindy was a leader in the most impactful of ways. She was determined and kind and led with integrity and compassion.
In the video above, you will see and hear Cindy talk about Camp Erin Boston:
"It is astounding what you can do for children in one weekend...It's a huge commitment and it's so important. It will be transformational for these kids and their families."
Cindy, your words ring true 10 years later! Through your love and wisdom, the program that you helped to create has served over 600 grieving children and families in our community.
In honor of Cindy and her beautiful legacy, we are dedicating this camp season to her memory. May we all strive to embrace the qualities that Cindy embodied: compassion, humility, altruism and kindness as we begin our Camp Erin Boston 2023 season.
To quote Cindy, our theme this year is "Mending Hearts".
- With love and gratitude,
Jennifer Wiles, Camp Director
We are proud to have supported over 700 campers and their families since 2013.
Over 600 – many volunteers are actively involved throughout the year in fundraising and planning efforts. Some have been with us since the first session of camp, and we welcome new volunteers each year.
need for services
An estimated 1 in 13 children and teens in Massachusetts will experience the death of a parent or sibling before age 18. That is over 100 thousand young people. (Judi’s House/JAG Institute & New York Life) Foundation)

Eluna partners with bereavement programs in local communities to help fund, develop, and grow Camp Erin® nationwide. For more information, please visit elunanetwork.org. Good Shepherd Community Care is home to the HEARTplay children's bereavement program and is the Boston area Camp Erin® provider.